
Stand in Solidarity

Provided by the Portland Chamber of Commerce, there are videos, podcasts, and articles on topics of race, bias and more.

Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging for All

Click to visit a free LinkedIn Learning Path that includes seven courses from understanding unconscious bias to moving from bystander to upstander.

Championing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as a Leadership Partner

View APC 2020 panel discussion: \moria\shared\APC\ASAP\ASAP DEI programming

Making the Case for DEI

View an APC 2020 discussion: \moria\shared\APC\ASAP\ASAP DEI programming

Own It: The Power of Women at Work

Get essential insights and lessons on how women in business can network and negotiate better and get the feedback needed to elevate their careers to a new level of success.

Becoming a Courageous Female Leader

Learn the key barriers that hold women back in their careers, as well as the steps they can take to overcome these obstacles and become more courageous. Also learn about the importance of mentorship in building in your career, the myth of the "good girl" (and how it can negatively impact your career), how to navigate conflict and deal with difficult personalities, and more.

Proven Success Strategies for Women at Work

Learn strategies to get the job you want, the pay you deserve, and the credit that counts. Gain guidance on how to identify challenges, negotiate for better opportunities and compensation, get helpful feedback, and create a network of support.

Women Helping Women Succeed in the Workplace

This course is a roadmap to self-advocacy and career success. Women—and their male allies—can learn how to advocate for raises, build self-confidence, convey executive presence, and stop sexual harassment. Aspiring board members can also learn why it’s important to stay true to yourself: your unique perspective is an asset, not a liability.

Doc-series: Asian Americans

Watch the five-hour film series that gives a new perspective on history. The series is told through personal stories with the aim to shed new light on U.S. history and the ongoing role that Asian Americans have played.